2012-02-19 11:07:48作者:admin
Texture downscaling: higher values result in lower texture quality.
Texture memory size: sets the amount of graphics card memory allocated to textures. Larger values will decrease the amount of streaming that occurs in game and will make the game run more smoothly, but they can also cause the graphics card to run out of memory and even result in game crashes. Choose a reasonable value based on the amount of memory available on your graphics card.
Shadow quality: affects graphics performance. Consumes GPU power without affecting CPU performance.
Number of shadowed lights: set the maximum number of lights that cast shadows. Affects graphics performance. Consumes GPU power without affecting CPU performance.
LOD distance: distance scale for level of detail on meshes. Lower values improve game performance but result in reduced detail on models.
Bloom: effect greatly improves quality of game graphics without placing excess demands on GPU.
Light shafts: visual effect recommended for medium-high/high-end machines. Should be disabled on older systems.
Anti-aliasing: demanding effect that can significantly reduce performance, so it should be disabled on medium and low-end machines.
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